Martha R. Neagu, MD PhD, is a current Partners Neurology senior resident who has been awarded an NIH Research Education R25 grant for her project titled "Function of Occludin in Astrocyte Development and its Role as a Putative Driver Oncogene in Transformation to Glioblastoma Multiforme" Her research mentor is William Hahn, MD, PhD, of the Cancer Program at the Broad Institute and Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Martha will be pursuing fellowship training in neuro-oncology at MGH and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She is interested in applying functional genomics to elucidate drivers of glioblastoma formation as a basis for development of targeted therapies against brain tumors.
Alice Lam, MD PhD, is a current Partners Neurology senior resident who has been awarded an NIH Research Education R25 grant for her project titled "Examination of Surface Correlates of Deep Epileptic Activity Using Quantitative EEG." Her research mentor is Sydney Cash, MD, PhD, of the Cortical Physiology Laboratory. Alice will be pursuing fellowship training in epilepsy at MGH and is interested in applying spectral, network, and machine learning approaches to improve the diagnostic capabilities of EEG.